Gate Access
From 6:00am to 9:00pm every day, holidays included. This means, you must be out of the facility by 9:00pm or else the gate will lock you in and you must call management to help, there will be a charge for this.
Rent Is Due
On the anniversary date of each month. For instance, if your rental agreement started on the 3rd, your payment is due the 3rd of every month. There is no pro-rating for tenants that move out before their next due date.
Late Fees
We are always happy to help you and assist you in payments in any way we can. We offer a 5-day grace period, in which late fees are not added and access is still granted. On the 6th day, a $15 late fee will be assessed to the account and gate access will be denied until account is paid in full.
Lost Keys
Should you lose the keys to your lock, don’t panic! We are happy to assist you with the removal of your old lock and purchase of a new lock during office hours. There is a $10 fee to remove a lock.
No Speeding or Consumtion of Alcohol
The Speed limit through the facility is 10mph. There is absolutely NO consumption of alcohol on the property at anytime, for any reason.
These rules are strictly enforced.
No Tailgating
Please do not tailgate coming through the gate, as the gate could come down and damage the second vehicle.
No Smoking
Due to fire regulations, there is no smoking on facility grounds at anytime.
Keeping Doors Closed
If your unit is located within one of the climate controlled buildings, please make sure to keep the exterior doors closed when you are not actively moving items in or out of the building.
Your rent is subject to a $15 Rate increase, without warning, due to this incident.
Treat Staff & Fellow Tenants with Respect
Please treat our office staff, and fellow tenants with respect. It certainly goes without saying, as we like to keep our family atmosphere alive.