A Quick Guide to Make the Most Out Of Your Storage Experience

Self Storage Tips

Choose The Right Size

Prioritize selecting a storage unit that fits your needs. Avoid getting a unit that is too small and crams your belongings or too large, resulting in wasted space and money.

Avoid Moving in the Rain

We live in Florida...of course its going to rain right? Don't let an afternoon thunderstorm rain on your day or contents in your unit forever. If your items get wet and then you place them in a storage unit, mold or mildew can grow over time, resulting in damaging items.

Organize and Label Boxes

Pack your items systematically and label boxes clearly. This will make it easier to find items later and prevent unnecessary hassle when you need to retrieve something specific.

Utilize Shelving and Racks

Maximize vertical space by using shelves and racks within the storage unit. This helps keep items off the floor, reduces clutter, and allows for better organization. *Please do not mount/drill anything into the walls of your unit.*

Create Aisle Space

Leave enough room between boxes and furniture to create accessible aisles within the unit. This makes it easier to navigate and locate items without having to move everything around.

Protect Fragile Items

Use appropriate packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or furniture covers to protect fragile items from damage during storage.

Consider Climate Control

Depending on your location and the items you're storing, consider opting for a climate-controlled storage unit. This helps protect sensitive items from extreme temperatures, humidity, and other environmental factors.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Visit your storage unit periodically to check for any signs of pests, leaks, or damage. Addressing issues early can ensure we go through the correct process to fix what may be going wrong.

Insurance Coverage

Consider obtaining insurance coverage for your stored belongings. Insurance can provide peace of mind in case of unforeseen events like theft, fire, or natural disasters. *Please note we are not responsible for the contents stored.*

Plan Ahead for Access

If you anticipate needing frequent access to your stored items, consider how accessible the item is within the unit. Choose a location that minimizes travel time and obstacles to acquire your item.